Hot Mess Mom Tips to Feel Like You Have Your Sh*t Together In one way or another we are all hot mess moms, some of us just have it under wraps a little better than others. On the "Hot Mess Mom Spectrum" there are many different levels to the hot mess-ness, from the mom who is always rushing, to the mom who serves chicken nuggets for almost every meal because they are too tired to fight and hey at least their kid is eating. If you are a hot mess momma then you can relate in knowing that it takes work to keep on top of said hot mess-ness, and if you are not a hot mess mom then good for you but some of us have to work a little harder to keep it all together. ANYWAYS here are the things I do to make me feel like I have my sh*t under control. Morning Routine I have a semi-regular morning routine that I try to follow and its pretty loose so I don't get down on myself when I don't have "the perfect morning" happening. At no particular time or order...
How I've Been Dealing With My Diastasis Recti Up to 60% of women can experience diastasis recti during pregnancy or postpartum. If you have no idea what diastasis recti is and you can't tell from the image above it is a separation of your core muscles from either being weak before pregnancy or you possibly gained weight rapidly during pregnancy or you had a big baby. That strain on your muscles has them stretch out and then they don't rubberband back like we think they will. For the longest time I had no idea that I had diastasis recti after I had my second child. After my first I had my Dr check me she said I was good to go with a regular exercise routine and that my core felt strong so after my second I didn't even bother with getting checked. I was so wrong with not getting checked out. I started working out and doing everything as I normally did. Little did I know I was making things way worse. I was working so hard to try to get my body back ...
Hey there mommas, soon-to-be mommas, and future mommas! I am here because I want to share my motherhood journey with you. There are so many different parenting styles and lifestyles that it can be overwhelming and can make you feel like you are doing it all wrong. I can tell you this as long as you are raising your babies with love and attention you're not doing it wrong! There are many different mommas to connect with out there and I am trying to reach all of you! I am hoping that through sharing my family's story that you will be able to connect to us in all of our successes and learn from our failures. I am a happily married woman who gets to nurture and raise two beautiful girls (so far) and I have the pleasure of being a homemaker! I'm no "good housekeeping" magazine but I can try right? I wanted to keep this short and sweet but look for my first offical post soon! Welcome to my judgement free momma zone where coffee and yoga pants are always welcomed wit...
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