#1 Tip to Clean When You Really Don't Want To

We all have those days where we just want to take a day off from picking up and scrubbing the dishes because mom life is tiring darn it! Well sometimes that day off can turn into two days off  or the whole weekend (nothing wrong with that!), and come Monday you kick yourself for putting the cleaning off for so long. It happens to everyone and its normal, but what do we do when we are overwhelmed with the mess? I have my #1 tip for you. Its not magic, its nothing mind-blowing. You ready to know what it is? I just start somewhere.

Once I talk myself into cleaning after wanting to cry over the stack of dishes in the sink, the toys strewn throughout the house from my two girls or, my own nightmare, Mt laundry that you know will take forever to fold and put away. You ready to know what it is? I just start somewhere. I pick the room that I can get done the quickest and easiest first. Seeing one room nice and clean makes it easier to want to clean the other rooms. It really never takes as long as I always think it will. We have a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house, and not including the dishes or laundry I can get the whole house done in under an hour. 1 hour of my time to get my house back in order is practically nothing. I will either have my earbuds in listening to a podcast or for extra motivation I like to have hoarders on in the background while I clean ha! Before I know it the house is clean and I know the following day I'll have everything done in about 20 min. Crazy I know but this simple thing gets my buns into gear and I make it happen.

There you have it! My #1 tip that helps me get cleaning when I really don't want to. Just start cleaning. Trust me. Just pick a room and go. You will feel so much better after its all done.

If you have any of your own tips that bring you motivation go ahead and drop a comment below! I'd love to hear what helps all you mommas out there get things done!


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