Dealing With My Diastasis Recti
How I've Been Dealing With My Diastasis Recti Up to 60% of women can experience diastasis recti during pregnancy or postpartum. If you have no idea what diastasis recti is and you can't tell from the image above it is a separation of your core muscles from either being weak before pregnancy or you possibly gained weight rapidly during pregnancy or you had a big baby. That strain on your muscles has them stretch out and then they don't rubberband back like we think they will. For the longest time I had no idea that I had diastasis recti after I had my second child. After my first I had my Dr check me she said I was good to go with a regular exercise routine and that my core felt strong so after my second I didn't even bother with getting checked. I was so wrong with not getting checked out. I started working out and doing everything as I normally did. Little did I know I was making things way worse. I was working so hard to try to get my body back ...